Race to the Finish

Do you realize that there are less than 80 business days left in this year?

When I first saw that, it was kind of amazing because now that the summer is heading towards an end, we kind of think the year is kind of half over. No, it’s well beyond that! With less than 80 business days left in the year, I wanted to consider something that many of our clients are using. It’s something we call Race to the Finish. We help a lot of our clients implement this around this time of year.

The idea is, during the summer, most operations kind of lose a little intensity. You have vacations, long weekends, and things like that. This is why at the end of August or the beginning of September, I think it’s a good time to think about the end of the year. During this period of time, we want to focus our people on making a Race to the Finish.

In your operation, you’ve probably put together some goals and things back in January or maybe even before the end of last year…goals for the entire year! Well, we are well past halfway at this point. So it may be time to rethink those goals, reinvigorate, and get people excited about running all the way through the tape this year! Let’s run all the way to the end of the race. Let’s have a Race to the Finish. I think it’s a great program to use with your people. There’s a good opportunity to relook at your goals and get people focused on the goals to the end of the year. If you’re going to do it, the time to do it is now because it will take a couple of weeks to get it together. I encourage you to think about this. Remember, there are less than 80 days left. It is a Race to the Finish. Think about it. If we can be of help, reach out. We’d love to talk with you and help you make a plan for the rest of the year.

Questions to consider

  • How will you use the remainder of the year?
  • What do you need in order to get the success you would like to see?
  • Who or what resources do you need to get the growth and movement you desire?

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Race the the finish as a small business owner

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