a high-touch, comprehensive relationship

Monitor your tax situation throughout the year and avoid unwanted surprises

Our commitment:
So much more than your tax returns.

More than taxes

Our individual tax planning process is unlike what you would find at a typical accounting firm. 

We step back and take a look at more than just your taxes to give you useful advice.

Take your next step today – find out how.

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Make better informed decisions

You’re in the driver’s seat, but you can only see as far as the horizon. We take the time to understand your situation and zoom out to see the bird’s eye view. 

We’ve got your back

What makes us different is we give your information a comprehensive three-level-review. That means three different Plack Group team members will look over your information and review your material. This minimizes errors, helps us see the bigger picture, and maximizes your success!

No more mystery

Taxes don’t have to be a daunting item on your mind. We figure out all the complicated stuff so you can grow your business and focus on your people.

Have you thought about…

Every tax situation is different. As we work together, we bring ideas to make sure you’re taking advantage of all the deductions and credits available – and setting up your business for long-term success. 

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A year-round relationship you can trust

Most people expect to “do their taxes” once a year and move on. Not with us. We believe tax planning is a year-round process and take a comprehensive approach to ensure you are positioned to win.

In this with you for the long-haul

The more we work together, the better we’re able to serve you. 

Need more information?

We can accomplish a lot with a free session. Schedule a call today!

1. Schedule a quick call with a Plack Group team member.
2. Meet for a free strategy session by video conference.
3. Get a customized plan to help you move forward.



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