EOS – Power of a Weekly Meeting

You don’t have to hate meetings. Getting together with your team can create powerful traction and profit. There’s a technique for running a weekly 90 minute meeting that will bring progress to your projects.

Small business, business leadership, EOS, Entrepreneur, midsize business, leadership advice, tax strategy

Transforming Team Meetings: The EOS Way to Productivity and Profit

Meetings don’t have to be a drain on your time and resources. In fact, when done right, they can be the engine that drives your business forward. The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) offers a powerful technique for weekly meetings that can boost productivity, and ultimately increase your bottom line.

At the 90-minute weekly meeting with your leadership team that serves as a catalyst for progress and alignment. This structured approach transforms the often-dreaded team gathering into a dynamic session that propels your projects and team forward.

The beauty of the meeting lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. By following a consistent format, teams quickly fall into a productive rhythm. The meeting starts with a brief check-in, allowing team members to share personal and professional updates. This fosters a sense of connection and sets a positive tone for the session.

Next, the team reviews their scorecard, a set of critical numbers that provide insight into the company’s performance. Each team member in the meeting has at least one key indicator or definitive number that they are in charge of and can speak to. For example: if this person is in charge of creating widgets, maybe their number is 53 widgets a week. That team member can speak to why that number has or has not been achieved and what can be done to improve upon this moving forward. This data-driven approach ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the business’s health and progress.

The bulk of the meeting is dedicated to identifying and solving key issues. By addressing challenges head-on and in a timely matter, teams can remove roadblocks and maintain momentum on important projects. This problem-solving segment is where the real magic happens, as collaborative solutions emerge and decisions are made.

Perhaps most importantly, the EOS weekly meeting concludes with a clear set of action items. Each team member leaves with specific, measurable tasks to complete before the next gathering. This built-in accountability ensures that progress continues between meetings and that the team maintains its forward momentum.

By embracing the EOS weekly meeting structure, small businesses, and midsize businesses can turn what was once a necessary evil into a powerful tool for growth and success. It’s time to stop dreading meetings and start leveraging them to drive your business forward.

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